Nancy Christensen
Vocational Consultant

I am dedicated to providing professional vocational placement services to persons of all abilities. I strive to inspire individuals to pursue their career goals by recognizing their unique skills, talents, and culture.


Career Exploration

Career Exploration will allow you to learn about the world of work, identify and explore occupations and their corresponding training and educational requirements, and enable you to develop your career goals.


Informational Interview

Through informational interviews, you can gain vital information to help you in setting your employment goals. I will identify employers and together we create interview questions. You will learn about educational requirements, job responsibilities, and the skills needed to complete the job.

Job Shadowing

Job shadowing provides you with the opportunity to meet with the employer and employees on-site, to observe the job, and learn more about the work environment. Job shadows can be set up on-site from a few hours to a whole day.


Internships are great opportunities to work directly with people who have experience in the job you are focusing on. As an intern, you can implement the skills you bring with you and develop new ones in that role. Internship opportunities in your chosen career can be explored and set up together.



Employment Development & Retention Services

Job development takes all the knowledge you collected through job exploration and helps you to hit the road to finding the right job. With support, you will learn where to look for jobs, create a resume, cover letters, and complete online job applications. You will learn all the skills to conduct a successful job search.


Job Seeking skills training

Job search isn’t just sending your resume and waiting for an employer to call. You will learn the tricks of the trade, which websites to search for the right job, how to apply, how to find the right person to talk to, and when to contact an employer. We will write thank you letters, track your job search, so you stay on top of it, and prepare for each job interview.  

Job Development

Potential employers will be identified and contacted, and job leads provided. Work environments and accommodation will be reviewed and addressed as needed.

Job Coaching

Starting a new job can be stressful and exciting at the same time. During this time of learning a new role, you may realize a need for additional “coaching”. I will support you through the onboarding process, the orientation, and during the beginning of your job. Coaching and support are available on or off the job, including connecting with your employer in person, via phone, or by email to see how work is going and areas there may be for improvement.

Retention Services

Once you have settled into the job, I will check-in regularly to ensure that the job is going well and if additional support services are needed.



Pre-Employment Transition Services

Before you finish high school, pre-employment transition services can help you get ready for a job, become more aware, and gain skills to be prepared for the world of work. A tiered approach ensures that you can access and engage in programs that build skills based on your abilities.


Job Exploration

Job exploration counseling is intended to foster motivation, consideration of opportunities, and informed decision-making. 

Work Experience

I will help you gain work experience, which will allow you to understand the nature of work and build soft skills.

Informational interviews

I will facilitate an informal conversation between you and someone working in a career area/job that interests you, who will offer information and advice. 


I will create opportunities for you to observe different jobs and ask business questions about the skills, knowledge, and abilities needed to perform the job tasks.



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Nancy is the sole owner and service provider. She comes with over 25 years of experience providing vocational service to persons of diverse backgrounds. 

Nancy is committed to working with people with disabilities to attain self-sufficiency through employment. Nancy is honored to be able to serve individuals in their employment journey. Her mission is to assure quality services and outcomes by offering professional placement services.



"Nancy was there every step of the way to help me find my job after graduating from college with BA in Early Childhood Education. She helped me create a professional resume, prepare for interviews, and identify employers that would match the work environment I was seeking. She supported me once I started my job to make sure it was the right fit. "

— Taylor Laird (Client)


“Mrs. Christensen is a wonderful job coach who prioritizes her clients’ unique situations to meet their individual needs best. She keeps her word when helping them find employment that fits their qualifications, and more importantly, their calling. She aims high and encourages her clients to set their sights on far-off yet achievable goals. Ultimately, she assists in determining her clients’ life trajectory-based both on their previous experience and the opportunities they are looking for to diversify their portfolio.”

— Sam Shaffer (Client)

“Nancy is my go-to placement provider when working with individuals who want to seek professional careers. She has many connections in different industries and fields throughout the Twin Cities and beyond. She is not afraid to reach out to employers to learn about opportunities, network, and advocate on the individual’s behalf. She is passionate about helping others and the work she does!”

— Senior Rehabilitation Counselor


“In the many years I have been working with Nancy, I can always count on her first-hand knowledge,  creativity, expertise, passion, tenacious attitude, and professional networking abilities to turn an idea into a working employment opportunity for someone.  Whether it is helping gain experience, or talking to an expert, or simply finding the right job fit for someone, Nancy will figure things out with an individual and get the answers we need to plan. We have partnered in many success stories, and I would recommend her to anyone seeking assistance with employment.”

— Senior Rehabilitation Counselor


“We were opening a new facility within our company and needed to hire over 30 new hires. We were able to fill two full-time and two part-time positions with the help and recommendations we received from Nancy. All 4 employees are doing wonderful in their bakery roles.”

— Employer